Friday, March 13, 2009

IBM 42H1292 and 1391401 keyboards

IBM 42H1292 and 1391401 keyboards

I know it's wrong to get excited about a keyboard. I feel so dirty. But I can't help it.

Keyboard glamour shot

The object of my perverse desire is an IBM model 42H1292 buckling-spring 101 key industrial heavy duty keyboard, available from for $US49 (versus a full retail price more like $US69). Don't accidentally go to ; that's Wombat Keyboards, whose products may well be excellent but who are not the guardians of the One True Keyboard.

Unicomp, which owns the no-terminal-s, bought the IBM keyboard technology from Lexmark, the IBM subsidiary that now makes nothing but printers but used to make keyboards as well. They're making their own, and also selling old stock; I bought three new-in-box 1996-vintage 'boards. Unlike many elderly keyboards, their cable terminates in a PS/2 connector, not the fat 5 pin DIN connector that older PCs use and which requires a clumsy adaptor to work with newer machines.

If you can't find a 42H1292, try getting a 1391401 instead. It's much the same thing, but with a plug-in cable.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, some have said that the 1391401 is a bit better than the 42H1292. I personally only own a 42H1292, and it suits me well. However, if you're a purist, you might want to give both a shot, just to see which one is better for you.
